

This is story about robber. There are a lot of stealing accidents in this town. It happens to people was stolen money near shops everyday.
Sue,Dan and Jim are police officer. They're looking for a criminal.They caught a few people,but anyone doesn't robber. As a result,robbers are two people. One is a man who was caught once by police officers. However,it isn't enough evidence.
So he was released.This problem makes them confused.The other is a mother who has a child. She robbed a lot of moneey in spite of mother.

2 件のコメント:

m_yam さんのコメント...

Good try! Keep reading and writing!!! この調子で。

I hope you enjoyed the story! Wasn't it too easy?

I have a couple of questions:

How many suspects (容疑者) did the officers talk to?

So the robber (the woman) worked alone? (単独犯?)

keimy さんのコメント...

About 4 people told it with the officers.


i try to read a book more difficult next....maybe xD